Sooooooooo, where to being.... After a weekend of not eating anything but crackers, soup and apple sauce, something was up. My "period" was lasting over a week (normally 3-4) days, it felt as if someone punched me in the lower region on the 12th, and I was sick (thank God I didn't puke, just felt like I had to).
So on July 14 around 6:30 a.m., I jumped up and took a test.
I was very excited. I need to write this down based on what your father did. He lost his work I.D. that morning and was really panicked because he can't get into work without it. After I took the test, I went into the kitchen, grabbed him by his hand, went into the bathroom and showed him the test. He smiled at me and that's awesome and probably why I was sick. (most likely not the sushi I ate that previous Thursday). After a brief hug and smiles, we went back to looking for his I.D. We couldn't find it, so he drove to your great grandparents house to see if he left it there after fixing their t.v recording box dealie. I did find it in a drawer by the bed (weird because it always goes on the dresser or his computer table). He was very happy that I found it.
I know the excitement wasn't much there because he already had his I.D. on his mind and not working, but later that day he would send me texts about being the happiest ever, and walking around being preggers all day, and being the best day ever. I truly am excited and every day I wake up going... I'm pregnant and so frickin happy!! I've been ready stuff online, what not to do and things I can do/eat, reading books. I wanna know!!
We didn't want anyone to know at the beginning based on my job searching :( I completely understand the logic behind it, but it's soooo exciting!!!
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