Just a little blurb.
You kick a lot at certain times of the day. In the morning after your dad leaves for work. After we eat dinner and your dad is playing games, and a little bit here and there throughout the day. I believe you know when Nick is around and you get excited. It's adorable :) He has felt a little bit of your kicks along with a coworker of mine. She felt a little kick. Your big kicks happen in the morning, and they do wake me up. One dream I had was when I was asking for help because someone was holding my arms back, and then I felt like someone was jabbing me in the stomach with their elbow. I woke up and you were kicking me really hard. I figured you were hungry and I needed to get up. That will probably happen more often as your grow in and out of my belly.
Another blurb, baby registry. Already registered at Target and Wal-Mart. Things are expensive, but you will soon realize as you get older we try to live cheap. I'm all for second hand things and people going in to buy a large priced item. We are very grateful for everything because it helps us get ready for you, and for them as well. I know everyone is so excited to meet you! 3 more months left!
We were looking at bibs and when your dad flipped to this one, he said, "He'll go, look! A picture of Mom and Dad." I laughed pretty hard because the other night I looked in the mirror as was reminded of the green guy. His name is Mike Wizowski from a movie called Monster's Inc. Just a round body with skinny legs. I have a big belly, and that's about it. Nick said that he wants to paint my belly green and draw a big eye ball on it. I suggested that I also wear green leggings too.
3 more months you little kicker! LOVE YOU!
Monday, December 15, 2014
Friday, December 5, 2014
Friday, December 5th.
So i'm writing a blog after so long because it feels more real then some days. I know your real with all your kicks and bumps (which you do a lot now), but getting into baby stuff and thinking about you being with us in less than four months is exciting!
Your dad and I wanted to get something that we could interact with you while you are inside the womb. It's a belly band that can play music so you can hear it! We got a package two days later, and got this...
Yes, a pond warmer.... What you've always wanted! Your dad was really upset because it was the first thing we bought you so that we can interact with you. Everything has been taken care and we shall get the belly band tomorrow while we decorate for our last Christmas with just the two of us!
Moving on, I was very worried that I was going to have gestational diabetes. I failed the first sugar test, but passed the second sugar test. The first one takes an hour where the second one is three hours long. Even if I had gestational diabetes, I would do anything to make sure that you would be okay! Even it did mean up giving sweets and carbohydrates.
So after awhile of wanting to look through the clothes given to us by Uncle Justin and Aunt Natalia, along with some from Baker (His first name is Justin too) and his wife Stephanie, I finally got them out! They are currently being washed right now. As i'm going through them, I can't wait to put you in them and see how cute you look! EEEE!!!
Alas, we still do not have a name for you. We have talked about Julian, Kurtis, Bradley, and Marcus. I think it will be we have a couple of names for you but when we see you for the first time, we will know what to name you. Or we might come up with an awesome name, and that will be it!
Here are some updated photos of how much I've (you've) grown while in the womb.
Love you!
So i'm writing a blog after so long because it feels more real then some days. I know your real with all your kicks and bumps (which you do a lot now), but getting into baby stuff and thinking about you being with us in less than four months is exciting!
Your dad and I wanted to get something that we could interact with you while you are inside the womb. It's a belly band that can play music so you can hear it! We got a package two days later, and got this...
Yes, a pond warmer.... What you've always wanted! Your dad was really upset because it was the first thing we bought you so that we can interact with you. Everything has been taken care and we shall get the belly band tomorrow while we decorate for our last Christmas with just the two of us!
Moving on, I was very worried that I was going to have gestational diabetes. I failed the first sugar test, but passed the second sugar test. The first one takes an hour where the second one is three hours long. Even if I had gestational diabetes, I would do anything to make sure that you would be okay! Even it did mean up giving sweets and carbohydrates.
So after awhile of wanting to look through the clothes given to us by Uncle Justin and Aunt Natalia, along with some from Baker (His first name is Justin too) and his wife Stephanie, I finally got them out! They are currently being washed right now. As i'm going through them, I can't wait to put you in them and see how cute you look! EEEE!!!
Alas, we still do not have a name for you. We have talked about Julian, Kurtis, Bradley, and Marcus. I think it will be we have a couple of names for you but when we see you for the first time, we will know what to name you. Or we might come up with an awesome name, and that will be it!
Here are some updated photos of how much I've (you've) grown while in the womb.
Love you!
Thursday, November 6, 2014
November 6th, 2014 (Thursday)
6:48 PM
Sat down after a long day to do some internet stuff. Rubbing my belly feels nice knowing that you are in there. I then feel for the hard spot thinking that is where you are. I felt a bubble, that happens a lot, and your dad asked if you had kicked. I shrug my shoulders and say I don't know. "I will know when he kicks by the look on your face," said Nick.
BAM!!!! You kicked my hand and my mouth dropped! "I felt him kick!!" And then you did it again. "Oh my God!!"
Your dad got up and hugged me while I rubbed where you had kicked and I started to cry tears of joy and excitement. I've been wondering and waiting to know what it would feel like and there it was, YOU! You are down there judo choppin me and I am enjoying it!
I giggled and wiped away the tears and then let our family know the good news. I can't wait to feel you again my little bundle of joy! :-D
6:48 PM
Sat down after a long day to do some internet stuff. Rubbing my belly feels nice knowing that you are in there. I then feel for the hard spot thinking that is where you are. I felt a bubble, that happens a lot, and your dad asked if you had kicked. I shrug my shoulders and say I don't know. "I will know when he kicks by the look on your face," said Nick.
BAM!!!! You kicked my hand and my mouth dropped! "I felt him kick!!" And then you did it again. "Oh my God!!"
Your dad got up and hugged me while I rubbed where you had kicked and I started to cry tears of joy and excitement. I've been wondering and waiting to know what it would feel like and there it was, YOU! You are down there judo choppin me and I am enjoying it!
I giggled and wiped away the tears and then let our family know the good news. I can't wait to feel you again my little bundle of joy! :-D
Tuesday, October 28, 2014
Half way there!
Soo my little banana, we have 20 more weeks or so to go! I haven't felt you kick yet, but that hopefully is due to you laying on the placenta, so harder for me to feel. There are some quick jabs and pains from your little home growing, but it makes me wonder, "Was that a kick?" "Maybe?" "What about this one?" But it should be different from what I've felt so far. Can't wait! It is adorable and enjoyable when you dad comes home from work and touches my belly. He is very excited and asks if you've kicked yet. I told him he would be the first to know, unless someone at school asks why I have a weird smile on my face.
Our next appointment is Nov. 3 (5 years total being with your dad). Just a normal check up and what nots. I have been reading slowly about what to expect, week by week, your first year, and breastfeeding. When I have time, I dabble in them. I also have been wanting to bake, but been to lazy to do it due to work. I get home around 5 and just want to sit. Once my hall walking job goes back two two days a week, I might make more of an effort.
We have been garage saling a couple of times to find you awesome things for when your older. Got you a pack in play, some k'nex, some rubber floor mats that spell the alphabet and numbers, a cute picture frame, a date changing rotating block thing, (it would be awesome to change the date everyday with you), a baby monitor, a white noise machine... I think that's it. We've got two bins from Uncle Justin and Aunt Natalia and one from Baker and Stephanie! Some more cute clothes from Becky and Luke. Also a swing, a schwisy floor mat dealie, small fold up beds, and some receiving blankets from Magda (don't know name yet for title of Grandma). I think that's about it. Just need some more things. Until then, the squirrels still reside in that room. They will be moved, don't you worry! Some stuff is still in the car or not pictured.
Ummm, still enjoy my spicy food! Love you!!
Our next appointment is Nov. 3 (5 years total being with your dad). Just a normal check up and what nots. I have been reading slowly about what to expect, week by week, your first year, and breastfeeding. When I have time, I dabble in them. I also have been wanting to bake, but been to lazy to do it due to work. I get home around 5 and just want to sit. Once my hall walking job goes back two two days a week, I might make more of an effort.
We have been garage saling a couple of times to find you awesome things for when your older. Got you a pack in play, some k'nex, some rubber floor mats that spell the alphabet and numbers, a cute picture frame, a date changing rotating block thing, (it would be awesome to change the date everyday with you), a baby monitor, a white noise machine... I think that's it. We've got two bins from Uncle Justin and Aunt Natalia and one from Baker and Stephanie! Some more cute clothes from Becky and Luke. Also a swing, a schwisy floor mat dealie, small fold up beds, and some receiving blankets from Magda (don't know name yet for title of Grandma). I think that's about it. Just need some more things. Until then, the squirrels still reside in that room. They will be moved, don't you worry! Some stuff is still in the car or not pictured.
Ummm, still enjoy my spicy food! Love you!!
Wednesday, October 22, 2014
My job here and there (mostly everyday) is hall walking. I get in about 3 miles or so and get my daily exercise. I do sit and snack when needed. My normal schedule is Tues. and Thurs., but it's been every day for the past month now. The other hall walker has been filling in a maternity job in the mean time. It's great exercise, but sometimes my legs get pretty sore and restless leg syndrome kicks in when I sit down. *shoulder shrug* oh well.
So I haven't been taking belly pictures weekly, but randomly. I'm starting now so I can see the progression in how much we grow. I've gathered the pictures I do have. Yes there is a break between the first too. It felt more like a bloated belly and not a preggo belly. After some maternity clothes shopping, my belly looked more preggo. (Some pictures were flipped so I'm facing the same direction.)
So I haven't been taking belly pictures weekly, but randomly. I'm starting now so I can see the progression in how much we grow. I've gathered the pictures I do have. Yes there is a break between the first too. It felt more like a bloated belly and not a preggo belly. After some maternity clothes shopping, my belly looked more preggo. (Some pictures were flipped so I'm facing the same direction.)
Weekly photos will become a thing now :)
Nothing new besides me being a night owl when I really need to go to bed. I did take a little nap today, and then fell asleep at the computer later on. Now it's almost 10. I always feel when I take naps after work, sleep can't come at night. I have a feeling that will not be a problem tonight.
Tomorrow is a half day at school, so that's exciting. Work ends at 1 instead of 4:30!
No weird cravings yet, but my sense of smell gets in the way. (Like when I need to check bathrooms after lunch :( ) Or I smell the weirdest things. I walked into a classroom the other day and it smelled like jelly filled donuts. The kids thought I was weird.
OH! So we have broken it down to about 16 names for you! Nick brought his list home last week and we both wrote down the ones we both liked. Here are the names you might have had. Currently we don't have one yet.
-Kyle, Ian, David, Jeffery, Julian, Dean, Sam, Jake, Marcus, Joseph, Drake, Alan, Ivan and Kirk.
It will be interesting for you to read this knowing what you might have been named. If you know me at all, I'm a name person that wants the name to fit just right. So the name you have will be the one we both feel is best for you! Love you!!
Wednesday, October 8, 2014
Baby Boy!
On Oct. 5th, I wanted to take a poll to see what people on Facebook thought I was having. Thus tthis picture was posted.
Hmm, boy or girl. Let the polls begin. We will find out tomorrow. That evening, we had some friends over and I was talking about making a chart with percentages, but some people didn't answer boy or girl. My friend Becky suggested making a pie chart and also making it pumpkin due to it being fall. She was really interested and made us this!
This is freakin' adorable!! The "you're pregnant!!! WHAT???" was from Uncle Ty. Thanks Becky!
So, of course, I couldn't sleep that night due to being so excited. That happens a lot to me.
Oct. 6th, 2014
My dad couldn't make it due to having a crazy work schedule ready for him as soon as he got there, but it's all good. Both our moms made it and it was enjoyable. Mom did park in the expectant mother spot for me and told me that I am expecting, so why not.
As soon as I signed in, we all waited about 5 minutes, and straight to the ultrasound room! Very exciting! This was a full head to toe examination. It started off with the head and seeing parts of his brain (very cool). The spinal cord looked neat as well. Watched and listened to your heartbeat. This mad both moms very excited and teary because it was their first time hearing your heartbeat. 158bpm too! Oh, and you currently weigh 6 oz. Then came time for the reveal! *In my head I was thinking, moment of truth. I honestly couldn't decide if you were a boy or girl due to instinct. In the beginning, I felt boy, then leaned towards girl.* Let's just say before she could say the gender, we all knew pretty well that you were a boy. I'll show you the picture later and as a good ice breaker when you bring a girl over. (I kid, i kid ;) ). We all laughed pretty hard and your dad had a huge smile on his face while laughing. Yup, that's our boy up there all right, just relaxing and showing the world! Yup, having a little boy!
After we calmed down and looked at the rest of you like legs and feet, it was over. We did find out that you like to rest in the front of the placenta on my right side. So I knew I had a good feeling whenever i would rub that side of my tummy. I feel that we might of been too loud in the ultrasound room so we were asked to go wait in the waiting room until the Doctor was ready for me.
Everything checked out healthy and great. We did find out that it isn't the best idea to go to Costa Rica in Jan. due to traveling internationally, but we can go when your at least 1 month old. So that's good. We were told we couldn't come back unless we had a child next time, so it all works out :)
Other than that, now it's just picking out names for you. Your dad likes taco bell mountain dew russell. And swingline stapler. We have come up with some normal names, but there is still time. I do have a giant list next to me that I've made up using the internet while your dad is working. We shall discuss and narrow down the list when he is available.
I am still enjoying spicy food, with the occasional sweet tooth. I prefer fruit, but I still love desserts. Can't wait to meet you!
Hmm, boy or girl. Let the polls begin. We will find out tomorrow. That evening, we had some friends over and I was talking about making a chart with percentages, but some people didn't answer boy or girl. My friend Becky suggested making a pie chart and also making it pumpkin due to it being fall. She was really interested and made us this!
This is freakin' adorable!! The "you're pregnant!!! WHAT???" was from Uncle Ty. Thanks Becky!
So, of course, I couldn't sleep that night due to being so excited. That happens a lot to me.
Oct. 6th, 2014
My dad couldn't make it due to having a crazy work schedule ready for him as soon as he got there, but it's all good. Both our moms made it and it was enjoyable. Mom did park in the expectant mother spot for me and told me that I am expecting, so why not.
As soon as I signed in, we all waited about 5 minutes, and straight to the ultrasound room! Very exciting! This was a full head to toe examination. It started off with the head and seeing parts of his brain (very cool). The spinal cord looked neat as well. Watched and listened to your heartbeat. This mad both moms very excited and teary because it was their first time hearing your heartbeat. 158bpm too! Oh, and you currently weigh 6 oz. Then came time for the reveal! *In my head I was thinking, moment of truth. I honestly couldn't decide if you were a boy or girl due to instinct. In the beginning, I felt boy, then leaned towards girl.* Let's just say before she could say the gender, we all knew pretty well that you were a boy. I'll show you the picture later and as a good ice breaker when you bring a girl over. (I kid, i kid ;) ). We all laughed pretty hard and your dad had a huge smile on his face while laughing. Yup, that's our boy up there all right, just relaxing and showing the world! Yup, having a little boy!
After we calmed down and looked at the rest of you like legs and feet, it was over. We did find out that you like to rest in the front of the placenta on my right side. So I knew I had a good feeling whenever i would rub that side of my tummy. I feel that we might of been too loud in the ultrasound room so we were asked to go wait in the waiting room until the Doctor was ready for me.
Everything checked out healthy and great. We did find out that it isn't the best idea to go to Costa Rica in Jan. due to traveling internationally, but we can go when your at least 1 month old. So that's good. We were told we couldn't come back unless we had a child next time, so it all works out :)
Other than that, now it's just picking out names for you. Your dad likes taco bell mountain dew russell. And swingline stapler. We have come up with some normal names, but there is still time. I do have a giant list next to me that I've made up using the internet while your dad is working. We shall discuss and narrow down the list when he is available.
I am still enjoying spicy food, with the occasional sweet tooth. I prefer fruit, but I still love desserts. Can't wait to meet you!
Thursday, September 18, 2014
Find the nut.
So we have two flying squirrels that get into a hiding nuts frenzy around September due to their nature. We get a bag of mixed, shelled nuts from a giant farmer's store because it's really cheap. We also pick up the tiny acorns that fall from trees because they can eat those and it's free! The other day after letting them run free and hide the nuts, I went to go brush my teeth after they were put back in their cage.
Then I asked Nick where one was hidden. We then said it would be fun to have a game where we play Find the Nut. The squirrels go hide multiple nuts and then you get to find them. This helps because we can use the same nuts over and over.
I found this in the bathroom.
Then I asked Nick where one was hidden. We then said it would be fun to have a game where we play Find the Nut. The squirrels go hide multiple nuts and then you get to find them. This helps because we can use the same nuts over and over.
So hopefully this sticks around and we can play this game when you're old enough.
Wednesday, September 10, 2014
- Just wanted to let you know I'm thirteen weeks pregnant with you and are the size of a peach.
- I heard your heartbeat two days ago and it sounds wonderful :)
- Your dad and I get to find out if you're a boy or girl on Oct. 6, so that is very very very exciting!
- Umm, I'm sensitive to light as of today and last night, and I hope that goes away.
- I haven't had any morning sickness yet, but I do get queasy and light headed.
- I want anything spicy. Taco pizza, yellow curry soup, spicy chicken wraps, mmmmmmmmm.
- I can't wait to get a new picture of you and see how you've developed.
- That's about it, love you little peach!
Thursday, August 21, 2014
You're pregnant?
Well right now, I call you my little kumquat because that is your current state of size. My current job on Tues/Thurs is a hall walker at a middle school where I taught 3 maternity math jobs for seventh graders. I was excited about this position because I can get in my exercise to keep us healthy and also see my old students again. Alas, I miss being in a math class everyday teaching stuff. I do see students during lunch working on math and they ask for help, which I love by the way. :-D Being said, the students.....
The Thursday that I started my job, word spread quick to the teachers and principals about my awesome news and congratz ensued. Then the students saw me in the halls and word spread quick about me being back at the school. Now, one student asked why I wasn't working there. I made frowny face and said I never got to apply for the job but at least i'm pregnant. This one student spread the news and by lunch time, I had multiple students coming up to me and asking:
Is it true what they're saying?
I heard about your good news!
Are you really pregnant?
How far along are you?
Do you want to find out?
Do you know if it's a boy or girl yet?
You don't even look pregnant.
When are you due?
~and my favorite: You're pregnant? With who??!
Bwhaha. I then reply with my husband as I point to my ring and remind them that I've been married for 2 years. Their friends had to remind them that I was a MRS. Russell. Two kids have asked me that question.
Another thing about my old students is that they all request that I name you after them. Here are some names so far:
Justin, Kaisun, Kalie Marie, Jennifer, and Shanikqua(made up name given by two students).
Some have asked about the names we've talked about and there aren't any definite names because we want it to connect to our baby kumquat and even that name might change. Once we know if you are a boy or girl, your dad said I can discuss more about different names that work well for you!
But my old kiddos are really sweet and ask how i'm doing and how far I am and if I need help with anything.
I hope that you grow up to be a sweet kid to your teachers. They really do appreciate it :)
On another note, sleep is still a wonderful thing while you are growing inside. I've been munching on grape tomatoes with a leafy green salad with balsamic vinaigrette dressing (amazing!) and just a cold glass of milk now and then. I did eat dinner with my parents tonight and they are glad that i'm eating my fruits and veggies but my dad (insert name he hasn't decided on yet here) said that I need to make sure I'm eating meat and potatoes. That is what I was eating for dinner with them, but they are a meat and potato eating people! Nothing wrong with that, mmmmmm. It was a steak cooked for three hours with a red tomato sauce, mashed potatoes, and rolls! MMMMM. I love it all, and so did baby kumquat!
And my tummy is feeling a little tighter around the waist band as well. Here are a couple of pictures of more people knowing!
The Thursday that I started my job, word spread quick to the teachers and principals about my awesome news and congratz ensued. Then the students saw me in the halls and word spread quick about me being back at the school. Now, one student asked why I wasn't working there. I made frowny face and said I never got to apply for the job but at least i'm pregnant. This one student spread the news and by lunch time, I had multiple students coming up to me and asking:
Is it true what they're saying?
I heard about your good news!
Are you really pregnant?
How far along are you?
Do you want to find out?
Do you know if it's a boy or girl yet?
You don't even look pregnant.
When are you due?
~and my favorite: You're pregnant? With who??!
Bwhaha. I then reply with my husband as I point to my ring and remind them that I've been married for 2 years. Their friends had to remind them that I was a MRS. Russell. Two kids have asked me that question.
Another thing about my old students is that they all request that I name you after them. Here are some names so far:
Justin, Kaisun, Kalie Marie, Jennifer, and Shanikqua(made up name given by two students).
Some have asked about the names we've talked about and there aren't any definite names because we want it to connect to our baby kumquat and even that name might change. Once we know if you are a boy or girl, your dad said I can discuss more about different names that work well for you!
But my old kiddos are really sweet and ask how i'm doing and how far I am and if I need help with anything.
I hope that you grow up to be a sweet kid to your teachers. They really do appreciate it :)
On another note, sleep is still a wonderful thing while you are growing inside. I've been munching on grape tomatoes with a leafy green salad with balsamic vinaigrette dressing (amazing!) and just a cold glass of milk now and then. I did eat dinner with my parents tonight and they are glad that i'm eating my fruits and veggies but my dad (insert name he hasn't decided on yet here) said that I need to make sure I'm eating meat and potatoes. That is what I was eating for dinner with them, but they are a meat and potato eating people! Nothing wrong with that, mmmmmm. It was a steak cooked for three hours with a red tomato sauce, mashed potatoes, and rolls! MMMMM. I love it all, and so did baby kumquat!
And my tummy is feeling a little tighter around the waist band as well. Here are a couple of pictures of more people knowing!
This is Jan, Julie's momma!
This is Dan and Beth. Oh trust me, you will get to know them and there two sons Alexander and numero dos .(I will not say name in case it is not revealed yet to other people)
This is weirdo Keith. Cassie's husband.
This man here was the first to know besides Nick. Denny video taped me telling Julie. Alas, the memory card sent to me did not work. I will see it! This picture was taken like a couple of weeks later and this is typical of Denny.
Tuesday, August 12, 2014
I still think it looks like a koala from afar using the whole image. At the 8 weeks and 2 days mark, I have a picture of our little gummy bear. That's the size you are right now! Of course when we went in for our appt., the doctor said we get an ultrasound today (cue arms raised going YAY!), and also get to hear your heartbeat :)
This time the ultrasound was done on the outside of my stomach, but I wanted to say do the other method so I can see you better. (My photo/motherly instincts kicking in), but we saw your heart beat and how much bigger you have gotten.
Then time came for hearing your heart for the first time. It was very unreal. Just knowing that it's not my heartbeat, it's yours was something of awe. It was around 150 beats per minute and and a constant bu-bum. We got to listen to it for about a minute. I did shed a tear but it made it more real that I have you growing inside me. I can't wait till you grow bigger and I can feel you move around!
I need to throw this in there because I laughed with your dad afterwards. His first question while listening to your heart beat was how the ultrasound machine was picking up the linear velocity of the blood flow through the heart. I was a bit baffled by the question, and I think the doctor didn't know how to answer it. It's just funny because your dad loves knowing how things work and the why behind it. I hope you get that from him and explore new things and question about it :) Nick did have to explain it a couple of times about his question, and I still kind of understand it. Maybe he will explain it to you when you can comprehend linear velocity used in ultrasounds. OR, I can look it up on the lovely Google!
Right now I am nine weeks and you are the size of a grape! I still like the sound of gummy bear, but you need to grow. I don't get to see you again for another 9 weeks, but at that time we get to find out if you are a boy or a girl! And that's when I get a new picture :) But until then, we get to hear your heart beat and know your doing okay. I am now going to go feed you something, but I don't know if it can top those blueberry pancakes we had this morning. Your dad said they tasted like muffins. It's a cool 75 right now on this the 12th of August and I need to go enjoy it before school starts tomorrow! We love you little grape koala!
This time the ultrasound was done on the outside of my stomach, but I wanted to say do the other method so I can see you better. (My photo/motherly instincts kicking in), but we saw your heart beat and how much bigger you have gotten.
Then time came for hearing your heart for the first time. It was very unreal. Just knowing that it's not my heartbeat, it's yours was something of awe. It was around 150 beats per minute and and a constant bu-bum. We got to listen to it for about a minute. I did shed a tear but it made it more real that I have you growing inside me. I can't wait till you grow bigger and I can feel you move around!
I need to throw this in there because I laughed with your dad afterwards. His first question while listening to your heart beat was how the ultrasound machine was picking up the linear velocity of the blood flow through the heart. I was a bit baffled by the question, and I think the doctor didn't know how to answer it. It's just funny because your dad loves knowing how things work and the why behind it. I hope you get that from him and explore new things and question about it :) Nick did have to explain it a couple of times about his question, and I still kind of understand it. Maybe he will explain it to you when you can comprehend linear velocity used in ultrasounds. OR, I can look it up on the lovely Google!
Right now I am nine weeks and you are the size of a grape! I still like the sound of gummy bear, but you need to grow. I don't get to see you again for another 9 weeks, but at that time we get to find out if you are a boy or a girl! And that's when I get a new picture :) But until then, we get to hear your heart beat and know your doing okay. I am now going to go feed you something, but I don't know if it can top those blueberry pancakes we had this morning. Your dad said they tasted like muffins. It's a cool 75 right now on this the 12th of August and I need to go enjoy it before school starts tomorrow! We love you little grape koala!
Monday, August 4, 2014
Baby is the word!
This was Sunday morning, the 27th of July. We called Tita and Gramps over in Costa Rica the good news! (Hence your dad's face with the phone) Before this moment, we were just informed the Tita's brother-in-law Ricardo had passed away that morning. (Rest in peace Ricardo).
This lead into a bunch of your Costa Rican family finding out about you..... before both sets of grandparents..... So the next day your dad told me that (she likes Nanna right now) Magda was calling Tita. Well, we didn't want her to find out through another family member in CR. I called Tita (she was on the other line with Magda) and told her to tell family members that Magda didn't know yet. That made me start feeling bad that we had to keep it a secret from a grandparent when other people that I've met a couple of times knew before her. (Very awesome cousins you'll meet one day too!) The reason why both sets of Grandparents didn't know yet is because they were both out of town before we truly knew your were coming (the ultrasound). It's not fun over the phone (besides great grandparents in a different country lol).
So when your dad came home, we decided that everyone needed to know now. We drove over to Magda's house, she wasn't there. Almost drove to Phillip's work, he was too busy to come outside. I called my dad on the way to his house, he wouldn't be home for another 2 hours..... So then I thought we can go to Ty's house....he was picking up Jamie and would be there soon. AHHH!!! Lol. we wanted to tell everyone and no one was home! I wanted to tell my mom and dad at the same time, so that's why we didn't stop off at their house.
We wait in front of Ty and Jamie's place and they finally get there. I hear my Tiny (Katie) run up to the car and get a big hug :) As we start walking to the back yard, Jamie says she has to go to the bank. To myself, "NOOOOOO! I'm tired of waiting!" I follow Jamie, turn the camera on, and take my video!

FINALLY! Someone else knows!!! So then she got out of her car and had to watch Ty's reaction. Let's just say, he was caught off guard because he was changing his shirt. His last picture is showing you what Mommy will look like later on.
We went out back and then I told Tiny I couldn't jump on her trampoline because I was pregnant! She didn't know how to take it, but she was at my side all night after that :)

So Ty and your dad went to go fly his huge kite and they both took tumbles. Jamie went out and got some sparkling white grape juice, yum!, and then we went over to my parent's house!
Before we left to tell more people about you, we needed a cool way to tell my mom and dad. Ty came up with an idea that he show them a new knife he got and then I say I got something cooler! Then show them the picture of the ultrasound! Alas, Justin was there for this moment, but he wasn't on camera. My mom however thought it was weird that Jamie had her phone and my camera pointed at them. Ty came up with a quick cover story that Jamie got this new video thing and she hasn't been able to put it down and she was comparing the video quality. And then we got Natallia and Jax to come out and we got her with the check out the photo on my phone, tee hee!

In the orange we have Justin Baker (a.k.a. Baker), bald guy (bwhahaha) is Greg, shocked Koala is Theresa, glasses lady is Julie (greg's wife), and mommy and really excited son is Cassie and Caden!
This lead into a bunch of your Costa Rican family finding out about you..... before both sets of grandparents..... So the next day your dad told me that (she likes Nanna right now) Magda was calling Tita. Well, we didn't want her to find out through another family member in CR. I called Tita (she was on the other line with Magda) and told her to tell family members that Magda didn't know yet. That made me start feeling bad that we had to keep it a secret from a grandparent when other people that I've met a couple of times knew before her. (Very awesome cousins you'll meet one day too!) The reason why both sets of Grandparents didn't know yet is because they were both out of town before we truly knew your were coming (the ultrasound). It's not fun over the phone (besides great grandparents in a different country lol).
So when your dad came home, we decided that everyone needed to know now. We drove over to Magda's house, she wasn't there. Almost drove to Phillip's work, he was too busy to come outside. I called my dad on the way to his house, he wouldn't be home for another 2 hours..... So then I thought we can go to Ty's house....he was picking up Jamie and would be there soon. AHHH!!! Lol. we wanted to tell everyone and no one was home! I wanted to tell my mom and dad at the same time, so that's why we didn't stop off at their house.
We wait in front of Ty and Jamie's place and they finally get there. I hear my Tiny (Katie) run up to the car and get a big hug :) As we start walking to the back yard, Jamie says she has to go to the bank. To myself, "NOOOOOO! I'm tired of waiting!" I follow Jamie, turn the camera on, and take my video!

FINALLY! Someone else knows!!! So then she got out of her car and had to watch Ty's reaction. Let's just say, he was caught off guard because he was changing his shirt. His last picture is showing you what Mommy will look like later on.
We went out back and then I told Tiny I couldn't jump on her trampoline because I was pregnant! She didn't know how to take it, but she was at my side all night after that :)

So Ty and your dad went to go fly his huge kite and they both took tumbles. Jamie went out and got some sparkling white grape juice, yum!, and then we went over to my parent's house!
Before we left to tell more people about you, we needed a cool way to tell my mom and dad. Ty came up with an idea that he show them a new knife he got and then I say I got something cooler! Then show them the picture of the ultrasound! Alas, Justin was there for this moment, but he wasn't on camera. My mom however thought it was weird that Jamie had her phone and my camera pointed at them. Ty came up with a quick cover story that Jamie got this new video thing and she hasn't been able to put it down and she was comparing the video quality. And then we got Natallia and Jax to come out and we got her with the check out the photo on my phone, tee hee!
Dad looked at me and then my belly a couple of times before it hit him. It made me cry :)
Mom's confused face in the beginning about the cameras. I handed her the photo.
It hit Natallia immediately when she saw the photo.
We then got some pizza to celebrated you, it was very tasty by the way! Then I found out later that Justin received a certification for family nutritionist thing from taking classes. That was a very proud moment as well!
After a wonderful and delicious dinner, it was off to go tell Magda. She was home this time too. My plan was to put your picture in a pair of shoes I borrowed from her and then inform her I got a stain on them. She would have to look at the shoe and BAM!, see the photo. It worked out pretty well!
She was running a fever and after she realized I was pregnant, she told me to get away from her. I wasn't that close, and a week later, I haven't gotten sick. (knock on wood). She is very very very very very very exited to be a grandma! We went up to Phillip's work to try again, but he was really busy to come out and say hi, so Magda got to tell him about you. He is also really excited!
He knew something was up because your dad and I had both called him on separate occasions to see if he could talk. But he was very excited to see that picture of you on their fridge.
On the way home after Magda's house, texting and phone calls were made so that people found out about you!! That got me going and pumped me and anyone I told up. The ones who got texts got something like, Hey? can I get a picture of your face after finding out that I'm pregnant? Here are some pictures!

In the orange we have Justin Baker (a.k.a. Baker), bald guy (bwhahaha) is Greg, shocked Koala is Theresa, glasses lady is Julie (greg's wife), and mommy and really excited son is Cassie and Caden!
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